Agate geode

July 14,2021

According to the agate legend, Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, lay down in the shade of a tree while sleeping. Her son Eros secretly cut off her sparkling nails and flew into the sky with his nails happily. Eros, who flew into the air, accidentally dropped his nails, and the nails that fell to the ground turned into stone, which was agate. Therefore, some people think that having agate can strengthen love and adjust the relationship between oneself and the lover. In Japanese mythology, the jade ancestor Kushimei Jade Life dedicated to Amaterasu is a crescent-shaped green agate, which is also one of the three sacred artifacts in Japan. "Taiping Guangji" also has "agate, transformed by ghost blood." It adds a bit of strange color to agate.
Agate has been regarded as a symbol of beauty, happiness, auspiciousness, and wealth since ancient times. Because of its three characteristics, magnificent, hard, and rare, it has won the crown of "Jade".

The effects of agate are as follows:

(1). Enhance a lively and harmonious attitude towards things, be more humorous and thorough, so that people do not waste and develop the habit of saving accumulation, and also have the effect of attracting wealth;
(2). For people who belong to water signs such as Cancer, Pisces, etc., it can improve the characteristics of the water signs of freedom, changeability and love of fantasy;
(3). The most famous one is said to promote a happy sex life for couples;
(4). It is said to enhance immune function, promote blood circulation and strengthen metabolism;
(5). Help treat insomnia and avoid nightmares. It is helpful for thyroid, thymus, vocal cords and solar nerve center.